The corner of Florinda and Park is fenced off due to construction. Please refer to the attached map for drop off and pick up locations during our construction. Plan for drop off and pick up to take extra time. We appreciate your patience during the time.
- Yard supervisors are on campus at 7:15 am students are not to be on campus before then.
- Students may enter campus through the gate located next to the parking lot on Florinda and Park or at gate on Park near Myrtle St. Parents are not allowed on campus.
- Drop-off/Pick-up Zones are located along the South side of Florinda and the West side of Park (along the sides of the school). The parking lot is not an area to drop off or pick up students. Students should always use sidewalks and never walk/run across the parking lot.
- Do not drop off students in an area that would have them run across moving traffic. Students should ALWAYS use designated crossing areas to help prevent dangerous accidents. Students should not walk across the parking lot. Students should only use designated walkways (sidewalks).
- If you choose to park across the street from our campus when dropping off or picking up your student(s), please understand that your student will need to use the cross walk at 11th/Florinda or at Florinda/Park to get to you. Do not ask your students to run across traffic. It is extremely dangerous to cross through oncoming traffic.
- All students and adults should always use the crosswalk.
- If you need to get out of your car for any reason, please park your car in a designated parking area. Do not leave your car parked in the loading zone. Parking is located along 11th Ave only.
- While in the loading/drop off area, move up to the next available spot. Please be patient. For the safety of our students and to make sure the loading area moves along as smooth as possible, please do not double park.
We appreciate your help in keeping our students and staff safe!!
HESD Asbestos NoticeĀ
HESD Asbestos Notice
The Hanford Elementary School District under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), is required to develop and implement a Management Plan for dealing with the presence of asbestos containing materials in our schools. The Management Plan for Woodrow Wilson Junior High School is available for your inspection in the school office. A copy of all school plans is also available at the District Office located at 714 North White Street.
Aviso de HESD Asbestos
La Escuela Elemental de Hanford bajo de Acta de Respuesta de Emergencia Asbestos Peligrosos (AHERA), es necesario para desarrollar e implementar un plan de Manejar en caso de la presencia de materiales asbestos en nuestra escuela. El Plan de Manejar para la Escuela de Woodrow Wilson Junior High esta disponible para su inspección en la Oficina de la Escuela. Una copia de todos los planes de las escuelas también están disponible en la Oficina del Distrito localizado 714 North White Street.
Principal's Message
Woodrow Wilson Parents & Families,
Welcome to Wilson Junior High, home of the Warriors. The Wilson Staff is honored to serve the children and families of our community. The administrative team and staff take the safety of our children very seriously. We work to establish positive relationships with all our students and strive to instill and model positive interactions between students. We are a school that provides a high-quality education and opportunities for students to grow and develop. Our students and staff take pride in being a part of Wilson Junior High and strive to build a great culture and safe learning environment for our students. We aim to foster the development of each child to reach their full potential.
“Our mission is to provide an educational environment which reinforces basic cultural values, ethical behavior, including respect for others, personal integrity, responsibility and accountability. We will work together to provide students with a safe environment in which they can discover their potential and strengthen their motivation for living and learning. As tomorrow’s leaders, students will be prepared to participate and function effectively in society.”
Our School Goals:
• Our school community will ensure a safe, secure, and positive environment for all students and staff.
• The school community will strive to develop students’ greatest potential academically, socially, emotionally and create a foundation for life-long learning.
• Parent, communication, commitment and involvement will be encouraged and valued.
• We will foster appreciation and respect for individuals and cultural diversity of our community as we work together toward common goals.
We ask parents to remind their students to reach out to the adults on campus if they are experiencing any type of issue in which they need help. We have a fabulous support team ready and willing to assist. Our two counselors, social worker, psychologist and Hanford Police School Resource Officer, along with the rest of the staff, are here to support our student body in working through the issues of adolescence.
We thank you for your continued support and encourage you to reach out with questions or concerns.
Matt Gamble
Learn from Home Resources
Learn from Home Resources are posted on our HESD website. You will notice that resources are organized by grade level spans: TK-2nd, 3rd-5th, and 6th-8th. Please check out the resources to support continued learning for your child!
Thank you for your support!
Information for Parents & Students
- Every student needs to come prepared for school with a backpack, a 3 inch three-ring binder, paper, black pens, and pencils.
- Every student is expected to follow the dress and grooming guidelines beginning the first day.
- School attendance is important. In order to participate in the 8th grade promotion activities, all 8th grade students may miss no more than 19 days of school. Additionally, students may become ineligible for any end of the year activity for excessive absences or tardies.
- Woodrow Wilson is a closed campus. Students may not leave the campus at any time without permission.
- PE clothes will not be needed the first week. Information will be provided at the Junior High Walk Through.
- Make sure you tell your child that individual class schedules will not be changed during the first two weeks of school. Only conflicts such as two PE classes or a missing class period will be dealt with during this time.
In order to be eligible for the Reward Trip, students must meet the following criteria for the school year:
- No more than 1 “level A” citation
- No suspensions
- No level B or C citations
- No more than 1 unexcused absence
- 6 or less combined days tardy, truant or absent
- Never show up on the ineligibility list for current school year
- 1st day of attendance at Woodrow Wilson must be on or before the last day of the 1st trimester
Lunch Money Made Easy
All free & online @
App is available on your IPhone or Android device
No more checks, sending kids with $, or charges
MyPaymentPlus allows you to
- Manage all of your student’s accounts
- Check balance online
- Monitor items purchased in the cafeteria
- Email when account reaches low balance
- Prepayment with credit or debit card
Create an account free
Click Register
Fill out email and info
Know your student ID #
Your child should know their number. It will be located on a report card and or schedule
Report Card Resources
Report cards are delivered to parents once each trimester during the school year. For Trimester 1, report cards are provided to parents at parent/teacher conferences on November 19th and 20th. For the second and third trimesters, report cards are mailed home at the end of each trimester.
Woodrow Wilson Junior High publishes a resource document for parents that provides a clear explanation of the grades students receive and the proficiency levels that students are expected to achieve.